Online Feldenkrais courses with Victoria Worsley:

Feldenkrais for Actors

“Moshe Feldenkrais has studied the body in movement with a precision I have found nowhere else.” - Peter Brook (theatre and film director)

Please go slowly and gently with these little lessons and games.
It is up to you to look after yourself and only do what you can do easily. The Feldenkrais Method is a learning rather than a medical approach, so please do consult your doctor first if you are not sure if they are suitable for you.

  • 8 Feldenkrais Awareness Through Movement lessons.

    1. Intro to Series 1: Dynamic Posture for Actors
    2. Ready? Series 1: Dynamic Posture for Actors
    3. Upside down Pendulum
    4. C-Shapes
    5. Intro to Series 2: The Significance of a Soft Chest
    6. Hugging & Rolling (version 1, lying down)
    7. Hugging & Rolling version 2, standing against a wall
    8. See-Saw Breathing and Changing Your Internal Space

  • “Absolutely inspiring, brilliant.”

    “I loved this lesson. It made me want to dance ( with my chair, too). Thank you for this inspiration!”

    “After the lesson, feeling more receptive and aware of my surroundings with soft chest and gentle breathing. Vocal improvisation flowed from my core with ease.”

Feldenkrais for a Covid World

This series began in April 2020 as a response to the lockdown in the UK during the Covid19 outbreak exploring use and ease of eyes, arms, hands, breath and the involvement of ribs and spine built to encourage a calmer state; moving on to issues of support for sitting – and to counter the effects of sitting.

  • 5 Feldenkrais Awareness Through Movement lessons. Access to video recordings.

    1. Hands and Eyes
    2. Softer Hands, Easier Shoulders
    3. Finding Space for the Breath
    4. Corkscrew for the Ribs, Breath and Eyes
    5. See-Saw Breathing and Twisting

  • “Beautiful, peaceful” - Peri McQuay

    “I loved doing this lesson. Felt more open in the upper body, neck and shoulders and more relaxed. I enjoyed the moments in the black.” -Anna

    “Thank you Victoria, I really enjoyed this lesson, your explanations and tips. The anatomical information was useful and interesting and gave me a new dimension which I'd love to explore more. Beautiful” -Jacqueline

    “At the end of the lesson, I felt an overall sense of deep relaxation and it certainly did what it says on the tin! I most definitely felt a softness in my hands and greater ease and range of movement in my shoulders.. I will revisit this one.”

    “This was my pick for day One of daily practice for January 2022. Very deeply relaxed afterwards; really felt the release of my right shoulder.”

    “Great for equalizing the shoulders. Fingers & wrists much more relaxed. Too much on the computer lately, so this was very specific to release the tension.”

    “Very nice lesson. Was fun turning to the floor and looking into the far corner of the basement and then making the sweep to the other side. Many thanks.” -John

About Victoria Worsley 

Victoria Worsley studied movement and performance with Monika Pagneux and Philippe Gaulier in Paris from 1984-87 and worked as an actor straddling the worlds of physical theatre, new plays, classical drama, TV and film from 1985-2005 (somehow fitting in a degree in literae humaniores at Oxford University on the way). She co-devised and wrote a number of plays and also worked as a movement director.

Having discovered the Feldenkrais Method while training with Monika Pagnuex in 1984, she finally trained as professional Feldenkrais Practitioner in Lewes 2003-7 and became an Assistant Trainer in 2021. Victoria has built a busy  Feldenkrais practice for people from all walks of life in North London and has taught Feldenkrais and movement in a number of UK drama schools including Rose Bruford,  Mountview and Oxford School of Drama. She has taught workshops for professional actors at the Actors Centre, Shapes in Motion@Sadlers Wells and with director/author John Wright; coaches individual actors and was commissioned by Nick Hern Books to write ‘Feldenkrais For Actors – How To Do Less And Discover More’ published in 2016.

She also holds a 2nd dan black belt in traditional Okinawan karate (Goju Ryu) and enjoys barefoot running.