Neuroplasticity, Creativity and the Potent State Feldenkrais Workshop
8 week Feldenkrais series with Tiffany Sankary
January 19- March 9, 4-5pm
Tree of Life Tai Chi, 11 Bow Street, Somerville, MA
In this series, you will have a chance to experience how you can use Awareness Through Movement (ATM) as a resource to bring creativity to all areas of life and to find new solutions to questions you've had for a long time – in your everyday life, in art, music, science or self development.
Creativity is usually associated with the arts, technology, or science. But the source from which creativity springs is our first experiments with solving the problems of moving in gravity and space. As babies, we have no teachers, and the success of this process relies on the ability of the brain to make new connections – it's neuroplasticity.
This kind of thinking is not done with words. It is done through sensations, and creates images of possibilities. These images then become part of our life.
The ability of adults to use this kind of non-verbal, creative thinking, is enhanced by movement. Some of the most exciting findings in Neuroscience research point in this direction. Dr. Moshe Feldenkrais discovered this ability while rehabilitating his own movement related injuries, and went on to create a vast library of movement experiments for other adults to do.
"The Potent State #5: Only when in possession of the full range of functioning...," Tiffany Sankary, Feldenkrais Ilustrated: The Art of Learning, Movement and Creativity Press, 2014. Original quote: Moshe Feldenkrais, The Potent Self, p. 199-200.
Moshe Feldenkrais quotes:
“Only when in possession of the full range of functioning on each level or plane of action can we eliminate compulsion to the degree that our action becomes the expression of our spontaneous selves. All creative men and women know spells when they can act in this manner.”
“Learning to think in patterns of relationships, in sensations divorced from the fixity of words, allows us to find hidden resources and the ability to make new patterns, to carry over patterns of relationship from one discipline to another”
Series includes:
8 live classes
8 Audio recordings
1 private session (valued at $125)Cost for the series:
Regular: $300
Early-bird by Jan 10: $275
Students and Early-bird with a friend by Jan 10 : $250
Drop-in to first class $20
**Thanks to my friend, mentor and colleague Aliza Stewart for her beautiful description (written for a workshop I organized in Dec 2016). Listen to her talk about Feldenkrais and Creative Passion here: